For more inquiries not listed here, contact us using the link below.
In our terms, a consultation is a feasibility study to see if we can reasonably finish your project. We typically conduct a deep-dive investigation into your company's history, projects, and organizational culture. Then, we review your needs for the project and establish the finer details like timelines, work breakdown structures, etc. Ideally, we want to see if we're a good fit for you.
We provide consultations free of charge.
Once we've finalized a project, we typically send a separate invoice for our services through Stripe or PayPal.
We like to be fully aware of the needs of the client, so we do ask for as much information as we can get concerning the project. However, we always try to request data in a way that complies with your company's privacy policies.
We value our clients' privacy, so we only ask for data your organization is willing to give away. We look at publicly available information like company websites, white papers, social media profiles, etc. We also look at internal data related to the project if it's presented to us. We never store your organization's internal data.
Yes, we like to have retrospectives to improve our way of doing things. While we don't keep your data explicitly, we may keep internal reports on tasks we've done and the events that transpired. This is used for audit trails and improving the skills of our writers. We may also write about certain projects for case studies on our blog while omitting details. However, you're more than welcome to opt out of these, and we'll personally hand our reports to you and forgo the case study process.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
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